Clear the air for your family’s health Bangkok’s winter haze and the hazards of air pollution

If we can see a glimmer of positivity from the past year as the world grappled with the COVID-19 global pandemic, one can rank widespread acceptance of masks as a method to protect our health and those around us. Many of us have incredibly spent the last 12 months wearing facial masks outside of our […]

The eyes have it

There is a long list of sayings and quotes about the eyes. The earliest account is from biblical times, in the King James version of the bible Mathew 6: 22 reads, “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. 23: But […]

The helpers

When I was little I was laid down to sleep by hands that have felt darkness and light, eyes that have seen grief and pain, yet never allowing us to see it in their gaze. My pancakes were made extra doughy by a woman who has cared for children from third world countries and children from […]

Why being kind to others is good for your health

By Marta Zaraska16th December 2020 While we might all enjoy the warm glow of helping out others or giving up a little of our time for charity, it could be doing us some physical good too. Newspapers started writing about Betty Lowe when she was 96 years old. Despite being long past retirement age, she […]

Beach foam and a frozen waterfall: Wednesday’s best photos

The Guardian’s picture editors select photo highlights from around the world Selected by Natasha Rees-Bloor

Running in paradise

With the ongoing pandemic, a lot has changed in our lives. Masks are now a permanent accessory to our outfit and stepping into a 7-Eleven for a bottle of water without one is near impossible nowadays.  However, as some changes are very visible and noticeable in our everyday lives, other elements remain fairly stable. Much […]

Thailand’s most prestigious scholarly organisation: The Siam Society

The Siam Society is the most prestigious scholarly and illustrious cultural organisation in the Kingdom. It is only rivalled by the exclusive Royal Bangkok Sport’s Club for venerability and distinguished membership. Operating under Royal patronage, its mission is to widely promote Thailand’s arts, culture, history, and the natural sciences including those of neighbouring countries. The […]

‘Twas the night before Christmas… in the desert

by Lucy Strange For all those who are far from home this Christmas, with heartfelt thanks and sincere apologies to the original festive poet, \ Clement Clarke Moore (1779 – 1863) ‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the flat Not a creature was stirring (except for the cat). Two stockings were sitting beside […]

An American in Bangkok running the khlong

There’s this place, there’s actually at the most recent count 1,682 of them. You can see them, smell them and hear about them throughout Thailand. They are a means of transportation, floating markets and sewage disposal. They may appeal to you, interest you or make your stomach turn. They are a part of Thailand’s history, […]

How we can learn to inspire our children

Inspiration helps children to think of new opportunities, propel them from apathy to possibility and change the way they see their own potential. It would be wrong to say that I hated my piano lessons. At the age of 14 I cared so little that I didn’t put in the energy to hate them. My […]