BANGKOK: It is becoming increasingly evident that the damage being inflicted to Thailand’s massive travel and tourism industry is proving to be critical with deep long lasting structural economic damage that is set to worsen rather than improve.With the current official mindset of allowing the industry, that employs millions in Thailand, to be sacrificed; thrown […]

How we can learn to inspire our children

Inspiration helps children to think of new opportunities, propel them from apathy to possibility and change the way they see their own potential. It would be wrong to say that I hated my piano lessons. At the age of 14 I cared so little that I didn’t put in the energy to hate them. My […]

Does this earring make my ear look big

Three years ago, a friend asked me to write a book about ageing. It was to be a reference book for those of us PAST menopause. Yes, Virginia, there is a long and vital life after menopause. Once your memory comes back and the hot flushes go, you have a life that’s as full as […]

Philippine tradition of ‘long Christmas’ survives Covid and typhoons

Festive season usually last four months but this year as well as the pandemic there have been three strong storms. he strains of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer echo around a popular shopping mall in Quezon City, Manila. A band of mechanical snowmen, dressed in Santa hats, sway back and forth to the music, as […]

Come on Thailand, lets see real leadership

Come on Thailand. Lets see real leadership. It’s time to get back to work! The government needs to make leadership choices now…! “What is unclear is the logic in govt policy flip flop on a logical risk mitigation strategy that was echoed in the ‘Phuket Model’ but after the dust has settled, it ultimately failed […]

Drawdown solutions

Reprinted from the Thai Enquirer (by Nanticha Ocharoenchai (Lynn) and Sean) Thailand is one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change and its impacts.  Located on the equator and as part of the Mekong River Basin, the impacts are already being felt — beginning with the most vulnerable.  This year, the region experienced the […]

The fate of Thai expats

I am an expat, a blogger and world wanderer who became “stranded” in Thailand due the outbreak of the Corona virus. Was it by choice? Yes!!!  Those of us remaining in Thailand have now been here for many months. When the Big C (COVID-19) came around and borders started to close, we did not flee […]

Ecotopia at Siam Discovery

 I am always excited to attend events which focus on creating awareness towards a zero waste lifestyle. Ecotopia was an event organised to focus on a green community of mindful people who believe that they can create a better world. Events like this are a reminder that there are many eco conscious entrepreneurs in Bangkok […]

Anutin vows to have half of population jabbed once Covid-19 vaccine released

After all the announcements from the Thai Health Minister and Deputy Prime Minister about how close Thailand is to discovering a vaccine it seems that they are now being led and or supplied by British and Swedish companies. One assumes after all of his negative comments regarding “dirty farang’ that we will have to pay […]

Nantawan: A new epitome for the finest in living

At Nantawan, the A level series of luxury residence created by Land and Houses PCL, is the new architecture of living in a contemporary expression of modern minimalism. The preferred style that is perfection of design language when every component and detail is condensed to the essentials. Nantawan Rama 9 – Srinakarin located conveniently to […]