
The best things in life are free

What do you think is the secret of feeling great on a daily basis? Medication? Coffee? Fulfilling relationships? Answer that question to yourself and keep it in mind when reading this article. I’m obsessed with wellness. Obsessed is a strong word, but I really am. Everything from the latest technology to longevity hacks, to random […]

Let’s talk About Fat!

Fat was out of the picture for the better part of the 20th century due to the massive in-field study (Seven Countries Study) conducted by Ancel Keys. He investigated the dietary patterns of different countries, measured their blood pressure, collected blood samples and gathered other significant measurements. Finally, Ancel Keys concluded that dietary saturated fat […]

Your Health is Your Responsibility. Take charge!

You start feeling a bit sick. You try to power through it. When you can’t continue, you decide to see your doctor. Your doctor prescribes you medication without asking you too many questions, the doctor most likely does not enquire about your diet, (can’t blame them, they’re too busy). The medication is going to suppress […]

hard exercise

10 Daily Exercises you can do from your Home

Handstands. Not only it is a great exercise to strengthen your upper body, but it is also going to improve your blood circulation and wake you up if you need a little pick-up! Start climbing against the wall if you never tried it and work your way up to the unassisted beautiful handstand. Test your […]