graduated of RIS swiss section

The 2016 graduates of RIS Swiss Section – Deutschsprachige Schule Bangkok received their “Golden Tickets”

graduated-of-RIS-swiss-section-pic2With shining students, proud parents and prominent guest speakers, RIS Swiss Section – Deutschsprachige Schedule Bangkok presented an impressive program to their guests on Friday June 10 , 2016 at this year graduation ceremony and said goodbye to the seven graduates who have successfully completed their school career in 2016. The school welcomed students, their parents, the ambassadors of Switzerland and Germany, members of the Matura Commission and the school board, teachers, representatives of Ruamrudee International School and friends of the school during a formal ceremony honoring years of dedication and hard-work across all the 14 disciplines in the Matura Program. The school can be especially proud of Emika Boondej, who mastered the Matura exams with a grand point average of 5.89 out of 6 points.

In addition to the Matura graduates, seven students of grade 10 got awarded with the admission to the Gymnasium (Oberstufe) and two students with the Realschulabschluss. The diplomas were handed over by H.E. Mr. Ivo Sieber, Ambassador of Switzerland in Thailand, and H. E. Mr. Peter Prügel, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Thailand. Both ambassadors thanked the parents of the students for their great support, praised the students for their success and congratulated them for reaching a very important milestone in their lifelong-learning process and experience.
graduated-of-RIS-swiss-section-bandWith enthusiastic and emotional parting words from the class teacher Marc Schumacher the seven students of grade 12 were released to their next stage of life as they will start university in different locations all over the world. In a poignant speech, students of grade 12, expressed their gratefulness to all teachers and parents helping them to achieve their goals. David Bandat and Leo Feypel, students of grade 10, also used their speech to say “Thank you” to all teachers, staff and their parents for the big support over the last years. In the festively decorated Performing Arts Centre of Ruamrudee International School, students of grades 6 – 11 captured the stage and entertained the audience with an extraordinary and memorable farewell performance including classical music, pop and jazz.

graduated-of-RIS-swiss-section-pic3The ceremony closed with concluding words from the Principal Mr. Simon Dörig who appreciated and praised the versatility of the Matura and the tremendous opportunities it opens up for our students and their individual paths of life. Following the ceremony, the guests had the chance to socialise in the music room of the school enjoying different delicacies and vin d’honneur, offered by the Embassy of Switzerland.

One day later, the school community met again in the ballroom of the Amari Watergate Hotel for this year’s Matura ball under the theme “The Golden Ticket.”At this social highlight of the German-speaking community in Bangkok, people danced and celebrated extensively. Entertainment by the students of grade 11 and a tombola with fantastic prices kept the excitement high throughout this wonderful evening.


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