Whiten your teeth at home

A smile is the prettiest thing women can wear every day. Yellowish, stained and not shiny teeth often make us hide our smiles and feel uncomfortable in the crowd. Maintenance of shiny and white teeth also consumes loads of efforts, time, and money. So in the end, is there a way out? Yes, there is! Continue reading this article and find out easy ways how to maintain teeth whiteness not leaving a comfort of your home.

First of all, at any costs, don’t brush your teeth too much or too hard! Coffee, wine and tea are one of the main reasons why teeth lose the whiteness and stains appear. The underlying dentin is yellow so the harder you brush your teeth the higher risk develops of the teeth becoming yellow. Furthermore, trying to scrub stains off too hard with a toothbrush can strip away enamel and damage the tooth surface by cause gums to recede. However, poor oral hygiene also leads to yellow teeth. It’s crucial to brush teeth efficiently but gently, getting off plaque, without damaging your enamel. It’s recommended to spend at least two minutes carefully brushing every surface of your teeth. Mainly focusing around the gums where most of the plaque collets.



                                                               Strawberries can whiten teeth too

The delicious way to whiten your teeth is to eat strawberries. The red fruit is a good source of many vitamins, among which folate, or vitamin B, helps to exfoliate and clean your teeth, according to the doctors of dental surgery.

Another natural teeth whitening idea is rinsing your teeth with a tablespoon of coconut oil for 10 minutes. True, it will get gross but coconut oil is antibacterial and it effectively draws stains out. In order to reach the best results, you should repeat this process daily. Extra benefit: Coconut oil also decreases bacteria in your mouth.

The oldest trick to exist to whiten your teeth is using baking soda. How to do it? Simply mix baking soda with your toothpaste (after putting it on a toothbrush) to enrich your toothpaste with whitening powers. But be careful! Baking soda can be abrasive and potentially damage your enamel. You don’t want to over use it. Experts suggest using baking soda every other day until your teeth are the level of whiteness you want, and then switch to using once a week to maintain the results.


                                                                  White vine is more acidic than red

Do you know that white vine is more acidic than red? White wine breaks down the calcium in teeth more quickly, making teeth more porous and easy to stain, says New York City based dentist. To offset staining from any kind of wine, bite a piece of cheese before sipping. The calcium in the cheese will create a protective layer over your teeth, preventing any erosion from the wine’s acidity.

Alright, this one will sound quite gross but Vaseline can protect your teeth from stains very well. Rub a thin layer of petroleum jelly onto your teeth and it will keep food and drinks away from staining your precious white teeth. Sure, it might feel a little weird but it’s worth it, when you know that you can have both: a cup of coffee and a pearly white smile.


                                                       Red lipstick – choice for whiter looking teeth

Finally, we love makeup, right? This is why this last tip is especially great and easy. Choose to wear a red lipstick with blue undertone to make your teeth look whiter. Blue is a cool undertone which is opposite of warm based tones, like orange or yellow. Therefore, wearing a blue based color on your lips will neutralize any yellow in your teeth, making it look whiter than they are.

 Source: Women’s Beauty

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