Khun Kajit Habanananda – a Lion amongst men

I have lived in Thailand now for over 16 years, and having run a business magazine here I have met many Thais – businessmen, politicians, rich and poor, and of course ’normal Thai folk’ over the years. It is very rare, indeed, I would go as far as saying never before, have I met a Thai man that I am envious of and that I find inspiring, selfless, and wise – Kajit Habanananda is the exception.

Educated in the UK then sent to university in the USA he returned to the country of his birth to work hard to represent Thailand and all that is good in the country on the world stage.
He told me of the early days in England where he and his brothers were some of the few Thais that had the privilege of being educated in the UK where so many of the Thai Royal family had been sent. Being slight of stature in a world yet to become politically correct, he and his brothers obviously had to run the gauntlet of the physically bigger Europeans, where sheer size matters, but he excelled at sports.
I have met him on several occasions now, mostly in the presence of other people, and others that have referred to him in conversation and I have never heard a bad word about him. Without exception, those that are in his presence or refer to him speak of him with great reverence and respect.
I met him this morning for an hour. He was due to officiate at a wedding in Phetchaburi at 11.30am but he went out of his way to come and meet with me in Hua Hin first, adding two hours to his journey and long day. Later today he had been asked to speak at a respected Thai organisation and club where I have no doubt his wise words will be listened to intently.
He never has a bad word to say against anyone and always finds time to speak to all those that come into his reach.
This morning we met at the condominium complex in Hua Hin where, as chair of the residents committee, he made time to exchange a few words with each of the many staff, offering solace, humour and encouragement to all. He always subtly and discreetly tips those that serve him to make them feel appreciated.
He seems so wise and worldly and at 86 years old he possesses far more common sense than any other Thai that I have met.
He rises every morning between 4 – 5am to start his day. He plays golf three times a week and is on the course often at daybreak. I no longer play golf but if I did I would relish the opportunity to be in his company for 2/3 hours. I asked him what his handicap was, but he modestly played it down – I am sure however that he is an accomplished player.
His enthusiasm for life in his golden years amazes me. He is 20 years older than I am but I wish that I was half as fit and healthy that he is.
I have seen him at several social events as he is a Past International President of Lion’s International (the only Thai to be so) where he has celebrity status in Thailand and I am sure at every Lion’s International event overseas. The sheer number of people that queue up to have their picture taken with him at there events staggers me.
He is still a good looking man with a full head of silver hair. He dresses immaculately and looks and smells clean at all times, he obviously takes a pride in his appearance.
He seems to constantly be on the go, never sitting back and watching the world pass by. He told me of his forthcoming trip to Boston at the start of July where he will attend the Lion’s International Convention with one of his adult sons as a companion.
He has 3 children with his wife Khun Panida of 50 plus years and they all live on his compound off the Phetchaburi Rd in Bangkok. Two sons and a daughter who have families of their own and those that I have met all seem balanced, well educated and extremely pleasant.
This morning he outlined his wish to establish a Lion’s International Club for expats in Hua Hin. His inexhaustible desire to help those less fortunate never ceases to astound me.
I just wish that I had his thirst for life and to do good to all those that come into his touch.
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Expat Life in Thailand is a community lifestyle magazine for expatriates (a person who has citizenship in at least one country, but who is living in another country) living in Thailand with an appetite and a zest for the best of life!
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