Off the beaten track with AVIS Thailand

If you are visiting Thailand for a short holiday, or are a long resident term international resident of the country then please don’t waste all your time jostling with the crowds in the bazaar at Chiang Mai or in the street markets of Phuket, Hua Hin and Pattaya.

The real beauty of Thailand is found out on the open roads, ‘far from the madding crowd’. The colourful forests and National Parks, the limestone karst cliffs, the stunning coastline with its endless beaches and ever changing seas.

Arrange for a car hire through AVIS Thailand, the international car hire company, and enjoy the comfort and the solitude of the open road with your family. You will find better restaurants outside the major towns and cities, meet nicer people who will respect your investment and see an altogether more Amazing Thailand.

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Expat Life in Thailand is a community lifestyle magazine for expatriates (a person who has citizenship in at least one country, but who is living in another country) living in Thailand with an appetite and a zest for the best of life!
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