Fix & Fit. Advanced Pain Management Clinic, Praram 9 Hospital, Bangkok

I would like to thank Dr. Pradit at the above establishment for helping keep me going with a series of pain killing, steroid injections in my right hip (where I have Trochanteric Bursitis) and up my spine from the sacroiliac to between my shoulders, where I have trigger points, chronic arthritis, scoliosis and Myofascial Pain Syndrome after having 5 spinal operations.

I have 6 lower lumbar vertebrae, with 4 now fused supported by titanium and carbon. Believe me, long term chronic pain is a real bummer. I do not sleep well, I wake up stiff in pain and go to bed in pain existing daily on opioids which I am ashamed to admit but at 66 years old there seems to be no other answer.

His expertise is second to none and he knows what pain is as he has had polio since he was young and so struggles around on crutches. I always feel such a fraud when I go to see him!

He is ably supported by a team of doctors, sports physicians and physiotherapists that stretch, massage, relieve with ice rooms, aqua therapy, acupuncture, shockwave, Hi laser treatment and more too numerous to mention.

I am sorry to be so bnad tempered when I attend the clinic Dr. Pradit but just the act of getting there alone and in pain is a mighty task for me.

02 209 9999     [email protected] Praram 9 Hospital Rama 9, Bangkok.

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Expat Life in Thailand is a community lifestyle magazine for expatriates (a person who has citizenship in at least one country, but who is living in another country) living in Thailand with an appetite and a zest for the best of life!