by author Leonard Le Blanc III (currently living in Thailand)

AIR BASE and its sequel THAILAND are U.S. military detective mysteries set at U-Tapao Airbase at the end of the Vietnam War.

Written by American Leonard Le Blanc III who served his country as a military member and civilian contractor for over 30 years in Thailand, Japan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Kuwait and Bosnia.

The novels are unique in many ways. They are accurate, documented, and firsthand memories of a First Lieutenant in the course of his duties serving in the U.S. Air Force.

The fictional books are totally immersive and are factual accounts of what actually happened and how the events shaped modern day Thailand, surrounding countries and SE Asia.

They throw the reader right into the action and are illustrated throughout. Some of the characters speak Thai and U.S. military jargon from that time. To assist the reader there is a helpful dictionary in the back, so they can understand the narrative.

The books explain Thai culture, are educational and explain many of the mysteries of modern day warfare and what really happened in the Vietnam War era.

They are currently on sale through Asia Books, Amazon, or if you cannot find them, you can order directly from the author at [email protected] for the price of 400B for AIRBASE and 300B for THAILAND.

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The author is the Dean, Vice-President for Institutional Advancement and Professor of Social Sciences and Human Security at the American University of Sovereign Nations, a new on-line, U.S.-based university and also General Manager of SEATE Services. Additionally he is a Contributing Editor of Expat Life in Thailand magazine. Len has written and been a story contributor for TIME Magazine, Literary Editor for the Pattaya Trader magazine and authored four books on Amazon. He has also edited numerous books for the White Lotus Press. He holds nine academic degrees, has travelled extensively and lived all around the world and a retired U.S. Naval Reserve officer. He currently lives in Bangkok, Thailand with his wife Lena, daughter L.J. and son J.L.
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