The Long Winding Road to Nakhon Nowhere Book review

The Long Winding Road to Nakhon Nowhere: When Thailand Truly was the Land of Smiles by Roger Crutchley. DCO Books, 2018, 242 pages.

Expats come and go constantly here in Thailand. But a few Thailand expats refuse to leave. They constantly persist like the monsoon season, heat rashes and Thai smiles. There is no way to get rid of them (just joking!). Happily for us ‘farangs’ these chronic residents include Andrew Biggs, Bernard Trink and Roger Crutchley, all master wordsmith extraordinaires.

Roger Crutchley (‘The Old Crutch‘) has made a living (and a life) being a professional Thai ‘expat’. With a weekly dose of wry commentary, self-deprecating humor, and laser-like insight into all things Thai (and himself) with his Bangkok Post column, PostScript, he has grafted his writing style into a book about how he managed to pull it all off over the past half-century. There are no dull spots, no chance to catch your breath. He makes Indiana Jones look like a comatose invalid with his constant series of adventures and tales. Only for the most fanatic ‘Crutchanista’ (OK – everyone else too). A great read! Five stars!

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The author is the Dean, Vice-President for Institutional Advancement and Professor of Social Sciences and Human Security at the American University of Sovereign Nations, a new on-line, U.S.-based university and also General Manager of SEATE Services. Additionally he is a Contributing Editor of Expat Life in Thailand magazine. Len has written and been a story contributor for TIME Magazine, Literary Editor for the Pattaya Trader magazine and authored four books on Amazon. He has also edited numerous books for the White Lotus Press. He holds nine academic degrees, has travelled extensively and lived all around the world and a retired U.S. Naval Reserve officer. He currently lives in Bangkok, Thailand with his wife Lena, daughter L.J. and son J.L.