Last to the front by Gee Svasti

River Books, 2020, 336 pages. 

Thailand’s participation in World War I (WWI) on the side of the Allies holds a special historical place in the hearts and minds of all Thais. Its participation in WWI marked that the country was fully accepted as a sovereign nation in the eyes of the West and finally ended the period of European attempts at subjugation. Now Thailand was considered a fully equal partner in the international community.

Gee Svasti has written a novel about Thai soldiers trapped in the middle of the horrific fighting. The book remarkably and graphically details all the wanton destruction, the capriciousness of life and death, the horrors of combat, mindless bureaucracy, and the total insanity of war. It has been said war’s biggest tragedy is the complete waste of everything.  Mr. Svasti proves again this adage remains true. But the author also contrasts the high personal cost the protagonists must all bear as true witnesses to the mind-numbing absurdities and how they interact to meet each indignity with honour. A most important novel; a great read. 5 STARS!

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The author is the Dean, Vice-President for Institutional Advancement and Professor of Social Sciences and Human Security at the American University of Sovereign Nations, a new on-line, U.S.-based university and also General Manager of SEATE Services. Additionally he is a Contributing Editor of Expat Life in Thailand magazine. Len has written and been a story contributor for TIME Magazine, Literary Editor for the Pattaya Trader magazine and authored four books on Amazon. He has also edited numerous books for the White Lotus Press. He holds nine academic degrees, has travelled extensively and lived all around the world and a retired U.S. Naval Reserve officer. He currently lives in Bangkok, Thailand with his wife Lena, daughter L.J. and son J.L.
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