Secrets of a Super Memory

The Embassy of Israel recently organised a whimsical, brain stimulating evening with the best selling author and Guinness Record holder, Eran Katz at the Alliance Francaise. In his fun and interactive way, Mr. Katz shared with the audience his secrets for accessing the brain super power.

In a fully packed room, the attendees were mesmerised with all the tricks that Mr. Katz shared on “Secret of a Super Memory”. A live demonstration was given when the author successfully remembered a series of numbers, even by reciting backwards.

Eran Katz is a leading speaker on memory and intelligence and a popular guest on TV and radio shows. He has delivered his lectures and seminars to hundreds of leading multinational companies and organisations worldwide including Motorola, IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, Nokia, General Electric, Coca Cola, AT&T, Avis, The European Petrochemical Association, Singapore Government, Japan Opensense workshops, Thai Chamber of Commerce and many more.

In his youth years he worked in the cowshed on kibbutz Yahel and remembered all the cows’ names. In fulfilling his military function as a radar operator, he remembered an infinite number of frequencies and markers using extraordinary techniques that, at present, he teaches during his lectures.

Approximately 250,000 people around the world have attended one of the 1,800 entertaining lectures and seminars he has delivered. Mr. Katz also holds the Israeli Guinness Book of World Records title in memory stunts. His books, “Secrets of a Super Memory” and “Five Gifts for the Mind” have been on the bestsellers list in 4 countries. Translation rights for his books were sold in 17 languages.

Expat Life was fortunate to sit down with the renowned author to learn about his secrets of a super memory.

Do you believe that super memory can be trained? If so, how hard is it?

I not only believe, I can prove instantly anyone can do wonderful things with their memory using the right techniques. Not hard at all.

Your seminars talk about mind hacking? What do you mean?

I mean that there are tasks we can do with our brain that we either do not believe we can do, or never tried. For example we can remember hearing a number of 50 digits once and repeat it and we can erase bad memories that cause traumas. Mind hacking also means to realising the rules for making better decisions, bringing more luck, etc.

Why do so many Jews win the Noble prize? Is there the existence of Noble Prize Mind?

For several psychological and cultural reasons. The Jewish way of learning is asking questions and arguing, not taking facts for granted, challenging assumptions. This inquiry results in solving problems, researching and discovering. That is the basis of Nobel Prize. In addition the Jews were always persecuted through out history and they had to think to steps ahead before anything they did. Your brain really sharpens when you are in survival mode. Lastly, Jews always wanted to contribute and make the world better. That is why you have in Israel the highest percentage of start up companies. Innovation is engraved in the Jewish DNA.

Everyone admires a linguist? What strategies can be applied with learning new languages?

Talking without the fear to make mistakes, learning the vocabulary that is really important and necessary in real life, using mnemonics to remember words and more  

For ordinary folks, ability to recall names and faces is an achievement, what tricks can be offered?

To begin with you need to be friendly and genuinely interested in people. To remember names you should observe a person and create a visual link between the name and the face. If you meet someone named ‘Mary’, you can imagine her in a wedding dress getting married.

Your extended work focus strongly on the young generation, can you share with us on what you hope to achieve. 

Mainly helping them remember information for exams and reducing exam anxiety.

What more impacts do you aim to accomplish?

I just want as many people as possible to improve their lives, the way they think and to make them happy and learn with joy.

To conclude, do you have any final thoughts you would like to share with our readers? 

My thoughts are not important. What is important is that everyone will always continue thinking and challenging their own beliefs, thoughts and assumptions.

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Kathleen Pokrud
Kathleen Pokrud was born in Hong Kong. After graduating with the Master Degree in the U.K., she worked for Hong Kong Trade Development Council, before moving to Thailand in 1991. She has over 20 years experience in project management. For the past decade, she volunteered in education and women empowerment programs. She is Past President of the International Women’s Club of Thailand and Hong Kong Ladies’ Group. She chartered the new Rotary Club of Wang Mai as Charter President in 2020. Director & ex-Vice Chairperson of Baat Woh Cantonese Opera Association of Thailand and a life member of YWCA Bangkok. In the business community, she serves on the Board of Directors with the Thai-Hong Kong Trade Association. Kathy is on the Thailand Tatler Magazine Expat Society The 200 List. She is the Honorary Columnist and contributing writer to a few leading English magazines. She and her husband, RADM Dr Boonyarit Pokrud have one son who is currently based in Boston, USA.