Know Your Immune Health: Find Out Your Cancer Risk

Immune Cell Tests | Cancer Tests:

There are an estimated 15 million new cancer cases around the world each year, 7.4 million being male and 6.7 million being female. This number is expected to increase to 25 million by 2035.

• Lung cancer is the most common cancer worldwide contributing to nearly 15% of the total number of new cases.
• Breast cancer (women only) is the second most common cancer with nearly 2 million new cases.
• Colorectal cancer was the third most common cancer with nearly 1.5 million new cases.

This growing cancer burden, within the overall context of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), in an ongoing key focus to governments, researchers and medical professionals around the world. ImmuneCells21 has a focus to offer the most up to date approaches to accessing cancer risk, early detection of cancer, diagnosis of cancer, immunotherapy success, targeting of cancer treatments and monitoring reoccurrence rates of cancer. They offer a range of individualised tests from a world class molecular oncology laboratory.

Measure Your Immune Cells Activity And Cytotoxicity

These tests can:

• Measure your immune cells activity and cytotoxicity
• Detect early signs of a developing cancer
• Help to monitor existing cancers
• Produce an individual profile of which cancer drugs and which natural substances can be used to achieve the best treatment outcomes

Key immune cell function and cancer tests:

Natural Killer Cell Activity Test:Natural killer cells within our bodies have the ability to detect when other cells have undergone tumour transformation and destroy those transformed cancer cells. NK cells have the ability to identify and to eliminate cancer cells, pathogens, including viruses with high efficiency. As humans we have an average level of NK activity which is regarded as healthy, low functioning NK activity is associated with higher risks of cancer and lower immune protection.

Immune Cell Tests

Cancer Biomarkers:

A cancer biomarker refers to a substance or process that is indicative of the presence of cancer in the body. A CA biomarker may be a molecule secreted by a tumour or a specific response of the body to the presence of cancer. Different types of cancers release different substances which can be identified and measured from a simple blood sample. During cancer treatments, tumour markers can be used as one monitoring aspect.

Circulating Tumour Cell Test (CTC):

CTCs are cancer cells which have broken away from the primary tumour and have entered the bloodstream where they circulate and have the potential to generate metastatic disease. The CTC test provides information about the presence of Circulating Tumour Cells, their concentration, and immunophenotype, which may help to identify their origin.

Cancer Chemosensitivity Test:

This test provides information about the efficacy of specific drugs on cancer cells derived from a single patient. The method incorporates two procedures, epigenetic analysis, and viability assays to validate the data.

Cancer Natural Substance Sensitivity Test

Cancer Natural Substance Sensitivity Test:

This test examines the efficacy of natural biological substances or extracts on cancer cells. This assessment is based on three methods: the direct cytotoxic effect, stimulation of the immune system and the inhibition of proliferative signals in the cancer cells.

Patients can have circulating cancer cells well before a tumour is noticeable on any scan or symptoms develop related to a tumour growth. This approach to early detection of cancer cells can put patients minds at ease if they are negative, or give the best possible chances of successful treatments if they are positive. If a patient is positive for cancer cells in circulation or is already diagnosed with cancer looking for treatment, there are many alternative based approaches available.

Some of the most exciting and successful treatments  available today are:

Immunotherapy: the patients own natural killer cells (NK cells) are expanded in numbers and optimised to be cytotoxic & immunity stimulatory. RNA Therapy: Ribonucleic acid are polymeric molecules essential for various biological roles in coding, decoding, regulation, and expression of genes. We can select specific RNA such as Thymus, Spleen, Lymph nodes and Bone Marrow.

Photodynamic Therapy: light sensitive photo sensitiser products which bind to cancer cells are given to the body, then specific wavelengths of lasers are used to activate the molecules. Anti-cancer Infusions: various anti-cancer natural products can be infused to patients such as IV Curcumin, Amagdalin, Artisunate, Resveratrol, Hyperacin, GcMAF.

For more information on cancer screening or treatment, visit: or call 02 650 7709

Immune Cells 21

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