beautiful girl

Tasty and super healthy: coconut for our beauty inside and out

By Tassapon Sutthidetkul

coconut-waterIn hot and humid country like Thailand, coconut is everyone’s favourite – it’s refreshing and delicious. This tropical fruit is in abundance. You can find it anywhere, in restaurants or on the streets around Bangkok as well as all over Thailand. You would be happy to know that coconut has a lot of benefits to offer. As women, it is what we should definitely be thankful for.

Did you know that coconut can fix the problem of being overweight as well as preventing obesity?

Coconut is used as an important ingredient in both food and drinks. It basically makes the taste of everything work. Apart from its soft and smooth texture which gives a pleasant taste, it essentially takes care of our health by supplementing our healthy diet. How?

coconutHow many foods produce energy to our body directly without being first stored as fats? Almost none. Except for coconut. Most food we eat is stored in our body as fat content before being utilised which only partially offers us energy later. This means that there will still be excess fats in our body – coconut doesn’t do that to us, and it gives us the energy that our body needs.

Our body extracts energy from digesting coconut immediately without storing it as fats, therefore, there are no excess fats. When eating or drinking coconut, we don’t have to worry about gaining unnecessary or unhealthy weight. In fact, according to studies and research, coconut helps to heighten our metabolism, thereby, enhancing our digestive system. Not just that, it is rich in vitamins – C, E, B1, B3 and B5 and B6, and calcium and also high in fibre, usually lacking in other food that we eat. All these vitamins are what our body needs to prevent illnesses and a weak body prone to falling sick. Coconut allows us to maintain our good shape and healthy body. As part of our diet, it prevents us from excessive fatness; the problem and trouble of being overweight which has serious health consequences associated with it.

Moreover, some of the food that we eat may even be toxic to us and we might not be aware of it at all. Coconut, on the other hand, is completely clean to our body – it doesn’t produce any harmful toxins, even for the unhealthy, excessive fats. Everyday, there are a variety of food choices we can choose from, but how many of them is actually healthy to our body, especially in the long run?

Coconut is known to be a natural product for our beauty inside and out; the internal physical health that also influences the external beauty in our appearance. Eating good or unhealthy food affects how we look and feel about our body. Having a good body means that we can be confident with ourselves and feel comfortable in our own skin. It could be a solution to our age, health and beauty concerns, because these aspects all have an impact on one another. So, it is important to be picky with what we eat. Besides, if you love making smoothies, you should know that coconut juice makes the perfect base – tasty and healthy.

Maintaining your healthy diet doesn’t have to be a torture. You can enjoy the delicious taste while staying healthy with a good shape.


Sources: coconut-milk

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She was born in Thailand and had lived abroad for 9 years in Singapore and Australia. Writing is her passion, identity and a journey that is never ending, fun and fulfilling.
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