coffee morning group

The International Women’s Club hosted another successful Diplomatic Coffee Morning at Saneh Jaan Restaurant

The International Women’s Club hosted another successful Diplomatic Coffee Morning at Saneh Jaan Restaurant, led by its president, Kathleen Pokrud. This annual affair is in appreciation for the support given to the club by Heads of Mission from various countries and their spouses. Every month, a spouse of a Head of Mission of a particular country host either a coffee morning or lunch for at least twenty IWC members, the aim of this activity is to get to know the country, its culture and people. In return, we honor the spouses by hosting a special Diplomatic Coffee shoot

This year’s event was organized by GTKY Director Annabelle S. Daokaew and her assistant, Linda Belfer. Ambassadors from Finland, Canada and the Philippines and spouses of ambassadors from United States of America, Colombia, Indonesia, Ireland, Bhutan, Korea, and Israel graced the occasion.

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Expat Life in Thailand is a community lifestyle magazine for expatriates (a person who has citizenship in at least one country, but who is living in another country) living in Thailand with an appetite and a zest for the best of life!