This is your life. Live it

What makes you happy?

What would you like to have done, experienced, felt, and meant?

During the start of 2015 we asked ourselves these questions. We made the choice to create our own dream job rather than to look for the next office job. Instead of choosing security we took the plunge: in search for happiness and ultimate freedom. Living a life in the now.  Sometimes a good idea is more obvious than you thought. Travelling, writing, photography, exploring, creating and undertaking business opportunities are part of us both. Our passions merge in Meet You at the Bridge.

Meet You at the Bridge travels the globe with an open attitude, searching for inspiring people, cultures, and nature. To gain a broader perspective, to create awareness and to give something back to the world and other generations. Meet You at the Bridge is a blog for and by travellers, digital nomads and dreamers. To show that anything is possible.


Explore is my keyword

For me it’s what life is all about. Pack your bags and set out into the world. Go to places that people have never heard of. Live with only the essentials you need. Sleep in tents, in homestays, on boats, in the jungle and on the beach. Meet indigenous, secluded tribes to learn about their culture, their history, their background and their ways of living. Fall in love. Feel the earth underneath your bare feet and find deep sea treasures. Dance under the full moon and conquer mountains. Get lost in a country, wander through endless labyrinths of old streets, eat at local food markets and experience new things, every day. Wake up at 5:30am to see the most perfect sunrise, work in an office with a cool sea breeze and waving palm trees in front of you. Get to know new cosmopolitan cities like the back of your hand, discover the best rooftops and hidden gems. Sip local coffee, visit rural vineyards and learn to make the best possible curry. Feel connected with people from different cultures; learn a foreign language or two. Develop yourself into the best version you can be, see things you could never have possibly imagined and try things you’ve only dreamed of. Understand a bit more of the world we live in by experience. Realise that the time is now and that a Monday can feel just as good as a Friday.

For the next two months Meet You at the Bridge is exploring Thailand. Bringing you the hidden gems and inspiring local stories. Do come along?


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